Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today, CBC radio reported a naval incident between China and the US in the South China Sea. According to American reports, the US survey ship, 'The Impeccable', was in international waters when five Chinese ships, including a warship, came over and harassed them. The Chinese say that the US boat was in their waters. To settle the dispute, one of the Chinese boats came within seven meters of the US ship and dumped some wood in the path of the American boat. The American boat barely escaped this harrowing turn of events and responded by spraying the Chinese crew members with...water. Yeah, from the ship's fire hoses. In retaliation, the Chinese crew members stripped down, on the spot. What this sounds like to me is a bunch of guys at sea for a long time getting a little lonely and letting their homo-erotic selves go. It all adds up. But the Chinese and American governments, being homophobic as they are, decided to cover it up by pretending that there was some international grievance at stake. Even if there actually was, I just gotta say that I think we've come a long way from threatening each other with nukes at every turn. Hurray for fire-hose conflict resolution!

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